The New Yorker Subscription Offers
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- Categories: Business & Culture, Cartoons, Crossword Puzzles, Dating & Relationships, Entertainment, Humanities & Social Sciences, Humor, Ideas & Commentary, Language & Literature, National, New York, News & Politics, Northeast, Pop, Weekly
- Magazine-Agent.com Sales Rank: 89
- Website: The New Yorker
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- Customer Service Number: (800) 825-2510
The New Yorker
Founded in 1925, The New Yorker is a national weekly magazine that offers a signature mix of reporting and commentary on politics, foreign affairs, business, technology, popular culture, and the arts, along with humor, fiction, poetry, and cartoons. The New Yorker publishes the best writers of its time and has received more National Magazine Awards than any other magazine, for its groundbreaking reporting, authoritative analysis, and creative inspiration. The New Yorker is at once a classic and at the leading edge.
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